Beginning a Widows Ministry

 Thank you so much for taking the first step in beginning a widows ministry. It all begins with wonder. Could I? Could it be? How? Where do I start? We are here to help you. Widows Link was created to come alongside churches and people like you to partner and assist in beginning widows ministries in local communities around the country.

We have put together Steps for you to consider, meeting outline and enhancements, and even information sheets for you to use. As you begin researching and praying about starting your own local widows group, please use us as a resource. We want to share all of the knowledge and information we have learned over the past 7 years of partnering with churches and leaders.

Steps to Consider when Beginning a Widows Ministry


  • Ask God to direct you as you begin taking the steps to begin reaching and connecting widows in your community. The Lord loves widows.  In the Bible it shows us God’s heart for them:

  • Psalm 68:5 tells us God is the “Defender of widows”

  • Psalm 146:9 says “God cares for the widows and orphans”

Get Help

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for wisdom from pastors. If you are working with a church, you will need to meet with the pastor to get their support and put a plan in place.

  • Another group you want to involve are a few of your widows. Gather with them to discuss:

  1. Where you can meet. 

  2. What day, time and regularity of your meetings.

Check out our MEETING IDEAS.

  • Click “Meeting Ideas” above to check out an outline and meeting enhancements we have put together to help you begin this journey.


  • There are some great tools online to help get the word out. Social media can be an amazing tool for both promotion and to stay connected with your widows.

  • If you are working within the church, make sure you work with your pastors to promote it as much as they let you whether it be in service, slides on powerpoint, or even printed materials.

  • No matter the avenue, get the word out about your meeting.

How to Build a Widows Ministry

Part 1

Part 2

Know that we are here to help you as much as we can be. We have helped many widows groups get started over the years and we look forward to helping you launch one as well. Please contact us with any questions or concerns along this journey.