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SAM Mission Statement
To encourage those in our Fellowship who are 50 and over to participate in activities that foster spiritual growth and health, age-level educational pursuits, evangelistic outreach, and wholesome fellowship events. To promote strong focal points of need so that people may be involved in an area that interests them.
Welcome! I hope that as you peruse the Senior Adult Ministries website you will find information along with links to various resources that will be beneficial.
We exist to serve today’s community of widows and are an expression of God’s might at work in their world. Our passion is for the widow — to meet her where she is, on her terms, in meaningful ways, at appropriate times, and to expect nothing in return.
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.
The mission of “WalkingForward” is to help women with the difficulties of widowhood through informational and inspirational articles, practical ideas, and resources. It is my prayer that all of us will be changed as we walk together.
YES! stands on the Biblical principle (from 1 Corinthians 12) that the whole Body needs to show concern for each part, and each part needs to concern itself with the whole. Generations don’t experience wholeness by themselves!
Broader generational perspective and skill sets can help bring generations together and breathe new life into second-half adult ministry.
A Widows Might
God has impressed on our hearts that our mission is bigger than comforting widows who are grieving - although that will always be a critical piece of our ministry. Our mission is about sharing our hope - with other widows, with their family and friends, and with the local church. We are uniquely equipped to share stories of God’s faithfulness during the most difficult of times. Stories that will drown out the busyness of this world and make you really think about your impact in God’s kingdom and the eternal significance of what you are doing.